Podcasting Goodness

If you weren't able to join us at #theologybeercamp (though rumor has it that another one is in the works ;), you can hear some of our great conversations on the Brew Theology Podcast. All the current episodes can be found on the Podcast page or at Podbean (or at your favorite Podcasting site.)

Our recent episodes include our discussion with John Cobb, Jr. and Process Theology. We asked him a few questions and talked about his most recent book, Jesus' Abba. Dr. Cobb was a real trooper at #theologybeercamp. He spent almost 6 hours on the platform talking with curious Podcasters and theologians. It was an honor to meet him and get a chance to talk with him. 

You can also listen to our podcast interview with Barry Taylor. He was fun to talk to and thinks deeply about how faith and life intersect.

Back in Denver we talked with Amanda Henderson of Interfaith Alliance CO. We discussed the need to have our own people and to work on how to interact well with people who might disagree. In a climate where having meaningful dialog between parties that disagree is getting harder and harder, this was a great discussion on how we can do that better.

Coming soon is our recent interview with Kathy Escobar and a discussion about Shifting Faith. If your faith has gone through a significant transition, or if you're in the middle of it right now, please read her book Faith Shift. You can even get introduced to the topic on her blog.

We hope you are enjoying the podcast. Please make sure to give it a listen and give us reviews. If you have interest in starting your own Brew Theology group, please let us know. We'd love to talk to you about how to get started on this wonderful adventure.


"Skol" is another word for cheers. A word that wishes good things for your drinking companions. 

I learned this word from a friend's grandmother. She's a beautiful woman who doesn't always know everything that's going on anymore, but she wants to make sure you know you are loved. And so, whether with water or gin, or watered down gin, she wants to "Skol" before taking a drink.

Deep in the heart of her subconscious, she knows that wishing others well and meeting around the table to do so, is a vital part of what it means to be human. She knows that this universal greeting brings people together and binds us to one another.

And when we are bound to one another; when our well being and success as humans rests on living this life together, we all succeed. And in our current situation, if we don't learn how to return to the table, we may lose the ability to Skol with each other.

I am so thankful for the meeting around the table and making friends. For being able to talk about difficult things and still hug each other at the end. To get to taste new things, and hear new things, and have new experiences.

Last night I got to meet around the table with Muslim, who was welcomed to join us even without drinking alcohol. I learned things about a tradition I know very little about. My assumptions were challenged. And I was challenged to widen my understanding.

It wasn't always comfortable or easy, but it was valuable and meaningful. But it took being intentional and making space to sit with someone different from me. To hear what she had to say and to let it sink in. To meet and talk and think together. 

So how does that sounds to you? I have to tell you, it's pretty awesome. 

Please consider joining or starting a Brew Theology community. This is where life happens and we hope you'll join us!




Welcome to Brew Theology. Your home on the web for brewtastic pub communities. Here are Brew Theology we want to help you have meaningful, significant conversations in your community. We like to bring all kinds of people around the table to talk about things in life that really matter. 

Do you get tired of all the division that is going on right now. We're here to help. At Brew Theology we build conversation around some basic principles like...

Don't be a jerk.

So, grab a beer, a water, or a kambucha, and join us at the table. We can't wait to see what Brew Theology can do in your community.